Our Privacy Po
licy ou tlines how we ha ndle yo ur da ta wh en you ut ilize our se rvice. It al so in forms you ab out yo ur pr ivacy ri ghts and the le gal pr otections, in pl ace to sa feguard yo ur information.We use Yo
ur Pe rsonal da ta to pr ovide and im prove the Se rvice. By us ing the Se rvice, You ag ree to the co llection and use of in formation in ac cordance wi th th is Privacy Policy.Words th
at st art wi th a ca pital le tter ha ve me anings as signed to th em in si tuations. Th ese de finitions re main co nsistent wh ether the wo rds are us ed in pl ural form.For the pu
rposes of th is Privacy Policy:Account me
ans a un ique ac count cr eated for You to ac cess our Se rvice or pa rts of our Service.Business, for the pu
rpose of the CC PA (C alifornia Co nsumer Privacy Ac t), re fers to the Co mpany as the le gal en tity th at co llects Co nsumers' pe rsonal in formation and de termines the pu rposes and me ans of the processing of Co nsumers' pe rsonal in formation, or on be half of wh ich su ch in formation is co llected and th at al one, or jo intly wi th ot hers, de termines the pu rposes and me ans of the pr ocessing of co nsumers' pe rsonal information, that do es bu siness in the St ate of California.Company (r
eferred to as ei ther "t he Co mpany", "W e", "U s" or "O ur" in th is Ag reement) re fers to Web si te, Co conut Gr ove, Ku randa QLD 48 81, AustraliaFor the pu
rpose of the GD PR, the Co mpany is the Da ta Controller.Consumer, for the pu
rpose of the CC PA (C alifornia Co nsumer Privacy Ac t), me ans a na tural pe rson who is a Ca lifornia re sident. A re sident, as de fined in the la w, in cludes (1) ev ery in dividual who is in the USA for ot her th an a te mporary or tr ansitory pu rpose, and (2) ev ery in dividual who is do miciled in the USA who is ou tside the USA for a te mporary or tr ansitory purpose.Cookies are sm
all fi les th at are pl aced on Yo ur co mputer, mo bile de vice or any ot her de vice by a we bsite, co ntaining the de tails of Yo ur br owsing hi story on th at we bsite am ong its ma ny uses.Country re
fers to: Co conut Gr ove, Ku randa QLD 48 81, AustraliaData Controller, for the pu
rposes of the GD PR (G eneral Da ta Pr otection Re gulation), re fers to the Co mpany as the le gal pe rson wh ich al one or jo intly wi th ot hers de termines the pu rposes and me ans of the processing of Pe rsonal Data.Device me
ans any de vice th at can ac cess the Se rvice su ch as a co mputer, a ce llphone or a di gital tablet.Do Not Track (D
NT) is a co ncept th at has be en pr omoted by US re gulatory au thorities, in pa rticular the U. S. Fe deral Tr ade Co mmission (F TC), for the In ternet in dustry to de velop and im plement a me chanism for allowing in ternet us ers to co ntrol the tr acking of th eir on line ac tivities ac ross websites.Personal Data is any in
formation th at re lates to an id entified or id entifiable individual.When it co
mes to GD PR Pe rsonal Da ta re fers to any de tails, ab out you li ke yo ur na me, an ID nu mber, lo cation in formation, on line ha ndle or sp ecific fa ctors re lated to yo ur ge netic ec onomic, cultural, or so cial characteristics.According to the CC
PA Pe rsonal Da ta re fers to any de tails th at can id entify or be li nked to you ei ther di rectly or indirectly.Sale, for the pu
rpose of the CC PA (C alifornia Co nsumer Privacy Ac t), me ans se lling, re nting, re leasing, di sclosing, di sseminating, ma king av ailable, tr ansferring, or ot herwise co mmunicating or ally, in writing, or by el ectronic or ot her me ans, a Co nsumer's pe rsonal in formation to an other bu siness or a th ird pa rty for mo netary or ot her va luable consideration.Service re
fers to the Website.Service Provider me
ans any na tural or le gal pe rson who pr ocesses the da ta on be half of the Co mpany. It re fers to th ird-party co mpanies or in dividuals em ployed by the Co mpany to fa cilitate the Se rvice, to provide the Se rvice on be half of the Co mpany, to pe rform se rvices re lated to the Se rvice or to as sist the Co mpany in an alyzing how the Se rvice is us ed. For the pu rpose of the GD PR, Se rvice Pr oviders are co nsidered Da ta Processors.Third-party So
cial Me dia Service re fers to any we bsite or any so cial ne twork we bsite th rough wh ich a Us er can log in or cr eate an ac count to use the Service.Usage Data re
fers to da ta co llected au tomatically, ei ther ge nerated by the use of the Se rvice or fr om the Se rvice in frastructure it self (f or ex ample, the du ration of a pa ge visit).Website ac
cessible fr om Web siteYou me
ans the in dividual ac cessing or us ing the Se rvice, or the co mpany, or ot her le gal en tity on be half of wh ich su ch in dividual is ac cessing or us ing the Se rvice, as applicable.Under GD
PR (G eneral Da ta Pr otection Re gulation), You can be re ferred to as the Da ta Su bject or as the Us er as you are the in dividual us ing the Service.When you use our se
rvice we may re quest th at you sh are id entifiable de tails th at can he lp us re ach out to you or re cognize yo u. Th is ki nd of in formation may co ver a ra nge of it ems, in cluding but not li mited to;Usage Da
ta is co llected au tomatically wh en us ing the Service.Your us
age da ta mi ght co nsist of de tails, li ke yo ur de vices In ternet Pr otocol ad dress (IP ad dress) the ty pe of br owser yo u're us ing the ve rsion of yo ur br owser the pa ges on our pl atform th at you br owse the da te and ti me of yo ur vi sit how lo ng you sp end on th ose pa ges un ique id entifiers, for yo ur de vice and ot her di agnostic information.When you use the Se
rvice on a de vice we may au tomatically ga ther de tails su ch, as the ki nd of mo bile de vice you ha ve the un ique ID of yo ur de vice yo ur mo biles IP ad dress its op erating sy stem, the ty pe of in ternet br owser it us es and ot her di agnostic information.We may al
so co llect in formation th at Yo ur br owser se nds wh enever You vi sit our Se rvice or wh en You ac cess the Se rvice by or th rough a mo bile device.The Co
mpany al lows You to cr eate an ac count and log in to use the Se rvice th rough the fo llowing Th ird-party So cial Me dia Services:If you ch
oose to si gn up th rough or gi ve us pe rmission to ac cess a Th ird Pa rty So cial Me dia Se rvice we mi ght ga ther in formation th at is li nked to yo ur ac count on th at se rvice, su ch, as yo ur na me, em ail ad dress, ac tivities or co ntact list.You al
so ha ve the ch oice to sh are de tails, wi th the Co mpany us ing yo ur ac count on a pa rty so cial me dia pl atform. If you de cide to gi ve th is in formation and pe rsonal da ta wh ether du ring si gn up or at an other ti me you are gr anting the Co mpany au thorization to ut ilize di sclose and ke ep it in li ne, wi th th is Privacy Policy.We ut
ilize co okies and si milar tr acking te chnologies to mo nitor the ac tivity on our pl atform and st ore da ta. The tr acking me thods em ployed co nsist of be acons, ta gs and sc ripts, for ga thering and mo nitoring in formation to en hance and an alyze our se rvices. The te chnologies we em ploy may en compass;Cookies co
me in two ty pes; "P ersistent" or "S ession" Co okies. Pe rsistent Co okies st ick ar ound on yo ur co mputer or mo bile de vice ev en af ter you log off wh ereas Se ssion Co okies di sappear on ce you cl ose yo ur web br owser.We use bo
th Se ssion and Pe rsistent Co okies for the pu rposes set out below:Necessary / Es
sential CookiesType: Se
ssion CookiesAdministered by: Us
These co
okies are ne cessary to of fer you the se rvices th rough the we bsite and al low you to ut ilize so me of its fu nctions. Th ey as sist in ve rifying us ers id entities and pr eventing use of us er ac counts. The re quested se rvices ca nnot be de livered wi thout th ese co okies. We so lely ut ilize th em to pr ovide you wi th th ose services.Cookies Po
licy / No tice Ac ceptance CookiesType: Pe
rsistent CookiesAdministered by: Us
Purpose: Th
ese Co okies id entify if us ers ha ve ac cepted the use of co okies on the Website.Functionality Cookies
Type: Pe
rsistent CookiesAdministered by: Us
These co
okies he lp us re member the ch oices you ma ke wh ile us ing the we bsite li ke re membering yo ur lo gin in formation or la nguage pr eference. Th ey aim to en hance yo ur br owsing ex perience by sa ving yo ur pr eferences and pr eventing you fr om ha ving to in put them.Tracking and Pe
rformance CookiesType: Pe
rsistent CookiesAdministered by: Third-Parties
These co
okies are em ployed to mo nitor we bsite tr affic and us er be havior. The da ta co llected th rough th ese co okies may po tentially re veal yo ur id entity, as a vi sitor as it is us ually as sociated wi th an id entifier li nked to yo ur de vice. Ad ditionally we ut ilize th ese co okies to ex periment wi th we bsite pa ges, fe atures or fu nctionalities in or der to ga uge us er response.Targeting and Ad
vertising CookiesType: Pe
rsistent CookiesAdministered by: Third-Parties
These co
okies are us ed to mo nitor yo ur ac tivities so we can di splay ads th at are ta ilored to yo ur in terests. By an alyzing yo ur br owsing hi story th ese co okies ca tegorize you wi th us ers who sh are in terests. Wi th our ap proval th ird pa rty ad vertisers may pl ace co okies to di splay ads th at we be lieve al ign, wi th yo ur in terests wh en you vi sit websites.For mo
re in formation ab out the co okies we use and yo ur ch oices re garding co okies, pl ease vi sit our Co okies Po licy or the Co okies section of our Privacy Policy.The Co
mpany may use Pe rsonal Da ta for the fo llowing purposes:We may sh
are Yo ur pe rsonal in formation in the fo llowing situations:The co
mpany wi ll ke ep yo ur in formation for lo ng as ne eded as ou tlined in th is Privacy Po licy. We wi ll. Ut ilize yo ur da ta to me et our le gal re quirements ha ndle di sputes and up hold our ag reements and policies.The co
mpany wi ll al so ke ep Us age Da ta for in ternal an alysis re asons. Ty pically Us age Da ta is st ored for a du ration un less its be ing ut ilized to en hance se curity or im prove the fu nctionality of our se rvice or if th eres a re quirement to re tain the da ta, for ex tended periods.Your da
ta, wh ich in cludes Pe rsonal In formation is ha ndled at the Co mpanys of fices and ot her lo cations wh ere the pa rties in volved in ha ndling it are si tuated. Th is im plies th at the da ta may be mo ved to. And st ored on. Co mputers lo cated ou tside of yo ur st ate, pr ovince, co untry or any ot her go vernmental ju risdiction wh ere the la ws, on da ta pr otection may va ry fr om th ose, in yo ur jurisdiction.Your co
nsent to th is Privacy Po licy fo llowed by Yo ur su bmission of su ch in formation re presents Yo ur ag reement to th at transfer.The co
mpany wi ll ma ke su re to pr otect yo ur da ta and fo llow th is pr ivacy po licy. Yo ur pe rsonal da ta wo n't be tr ansferred to any or ganization or co untry, wi thout se curity co ntrols in pl ace, for yo ur da ta and ot her pe rsonal information.If the co
mpany me rges wi th an other en tity or se lls its as sets yo ur pe rsonal in formation co uld be mo ved. You wi ll be in formed be forehand if th is ha ppens and if yo ur pe rsonal da ta wi ll be go verned by a pr ivacy po licy.In si
tuations the Co mpany mi ght ne ed to re veal yo ur in formation as ma ndated by law or in re sponse, to le gitimate re quests fr om pu blic au thorities, li ke a co urt or go vernment agency.The Co
mpany may di sclose Yo ur Pe rsonal Da ta in the go od fa ith be lief th at su ch ac tion is ne cessary to:Ensuring the sa
fety of yo ur in formation is a pr iority, for us. Ho wever it 's im portant to no te th at no me thod of tr ansmitting da ta, ov er the in ternet or st oring it el ectronically can be co mpletely fo olproof. Wh ile we ma ke ev ery ef fort to sa feguard yo ur da ta us ing in dustry pr actices we ca nnot pr omise ab solute security.Our se
rvice pa rtners may ha ve ac cess, to yo ur in formation. Th ese ou tside ve ndors ga ther, st ore, ut ilize, ha ndle and sh are da ta re garding yo ur in teractions, on our pl atform fo llowing th eir pr ivacy gu idelines.We may use th
ird-party Se rvice pr oviders to mo nitor and an alyze the use of our Service.Google Analytics
Google An
alytics is a web an alysis to ol pr ovided by Go ogle, wh ich ke eps ta bs on and pr esents da ta re garding we bsite tr affic. Go ogle ut ilizes th is in formation to ov ersee and ma nage our Se rvice us age. Th is in formation is th en sh ared wi th Go ogle se rvices. Ad ditionally Go ogle mi ght ut ilize the ga thered da ta to ta ilor and cu stomize ads wi thin its ad vertising network.You ha
ve the op tion to ch oose not to sh are yo ur ac tivity, on the Se rvice wi th Go ogle An alytics by in stalling the Go ogle An alytics opt out br owser add on. Th is add on st ops the Go ogle An alytics Ja vaScript (g a.js, an alytics.js and dc .js) fr om sh aring in formation ab out vi sits, wi th Go ogle Analytics. re in formation on the pr ivacy pr actices of Go ogle, pl ease vi sit the Go ogle Privacy &a mp; Te rms web page:We may pr
ovide pa id pr oducts an d/or se rvices wi thin the Se rvice. In th at ca se, we may use th ird-party se rvices for pa yment pr ocessing (e .g. pa yment processors).We do no
t. Ga ther yo ur pa yment ca rd in formation. Th is da ta is sh ared di rectly wi th our th ird pa rty pa yment pa rtners, wh ose ha ndling of yo ur de tails is gu ided by th eir Privacy Po licy. Th ese pa yment pa rtners co mply wi th the gu idelines es tablished by PCI DSS as ov erseen by the PCI Se curity St andards Co uncil, an in itiative in volving br ands su ch, as Vi sa, Ma stercard Am erican Ex press and Di scover. The PCI DSS st andards are de signed to pr omote the ma nagement of pa yment data.Bank Transfer
Their Privacy Pohttps://www.authorize.net/company/privacy/
licy can be vi ewed atPayPal
Their Privacy Pohttps://www.paypal.com/myaccount/privacy/privacyhub
licy can be vi ewed atGoogle Pl
ay In -App PaymentsTheir Privacy Pohttps://payments.google.com/payments/apis-secure/get_legal_document?ldo=0&ldt=privacynotice
licy can be vi ewed atWe may pr
ocess Pe rsonal Da ta un der the fo llowing conditions:The Co
mpany is wi lling to as sist in ex plaining the fo undation th at pe rtains to the ha ndling of da ta es pecially re garding wh ether pr oviding Pe rsonal Da ta is ma ndated by law or co ntractually re quired or es sential for en tering in to a contract.The Co
mpany un dertakes to re spect the co nfidentiality of Yo ur Pe rsonal Da ta and to gu arantee You can ex ercise Yo ur rights.You ha
ve the ri ght un der th is Privacy Po licy, and by law if You are wi thin the EU, to:You can ut
ilize yo ur ac cess, co rrection, de letion and ob jection ri ghts by re aching out to us. Ke ep in mi nd th at we mi ght ne ed you to co nfirm yo ur id entity be fore ad dressing th ese re quests. On ce you re ach out to us we 'll do our ut most to re ply to you promptly.You are en
titled to fi le a co mplaint, wi th a Da ta Pr otection Au thority re garding our ga thering and ut ilization of yo ur Pe rsonal Da ta. If you are lo cated in the Eu ropean Ec onomic Ar ea (E EA) ki ndly re ach out to yo ur da ta pr otection au thority, wi thin the EEA.This se
ction, on pr ivacy no tice for re sidents of Ca lifornia ad ds to the de tails pr ovided in Our Privacy Po licy. Is, for in dividuals li ving in California.We ga
ther da ta th at can id entify, de scribe, pe rtain to or be li nked wi th an in dividual or de vice. He re is a xa dwgdihzspag of ty pes of in formation th at we mi ght ha ve co llected fr om Ca lifornia re sidents in the tw elve months.Please ke
ep in mi nd th at the ca tegories and in stances li sted be low ad here, to the CC PAs de finitions. It 's im portant to no te th at ju st be cause a ca tegory of in formation is li sted do esn't ne cessarily me an th at we ha ve co llected all ex amples wi thin th at ca tegory. Th is re flects our be lief, ba sed on wh at we kn ow th at so me in formation, fr om th ese ca tegories may ha ve be en co llected at so me po int. For in stance sp ecific ty pes of in formation wo uld on ly be ob tained if you di rectly sh ared de tails wi th us.Category A: Identifiers.
Examples may in
clude a gi ven na me, ni ckname, ho me ad dress, di stinct pe rsonal ID, on line us ername IP ad dress, em ail ad dress, ac count ha ndle dr ivers li cense de tails, pa ssport in fo or si milar id entifying information.Collected: Yes.
Category B: Pe
rsonal in formation ca tegories li sted in the Ca lifornia Cu stomer Re cords st atute (C al. Ci v. Co de &s ect; 1798.80(e)).Some ex
amples of in formation in clude na mes, si gnatures, So cial Se curity nu mbers, ph ysical de scriptions, ad dresses, te lephone nu mbers, pa ssport nu mbers, dr ivers li cense or st ate ID nu mbers, in surance po licy de tails, ed ucational and em ployment hi story, ba nk ac count and cr edit ca rd nu mbers, me dical re cords and he alth in surance in formation. It 's wo rth no ting th at ce rtain pe rsonal de tails, in th is ca tegory may al so fa ll un der categories.Collected: Yes.
Category C: Pr
otected cl assification ch aracteristics un der Ca lifornia or fe deral law.Examples; In
dividuals ag ed 40 ye ars or ol der of any ra ce or co lor, wi th ba ckground, na tional or igin, ci tizenship st atus, re ligious be liefs or af filiations ma rital st atus, he alth co nditions (p hysical or me ntal) ge nder id entity and ex pression (i ncluding ge nder re lated as pects) pr egnancy or ch ildbirth and as sociated me dical is sues se xual or ientation pr eferences, mi litary se rvice hi story and ge netic in formation (i ncluding fa mily re lated details).Collected: No.
Category D: Co
mmercial information.Examples: Re
cords and hi story of pr oducts or se rvices pu rchased or considered.Collected: Yes.
Category E: Bi
ometric information.Genetic, ph
ysical, be havioral and bi ological. Pa tterns of be havior ut ilized for de riving a te mplate or un ique id entifier li ke fi ngerprints, fa cial fe atures and vo ice ch aracteristics we ll, as ir is or re tina sc ans ty ping style wa lking ma nnerisms or ot her ph ysical at tributes al ong, wi th da ta re lated to sl eep pa tterns, he alth st atus or ex ercise routines.Collected: No.
Category F: In
ternet or ot her si milar ne twork activity.Examples: In
teraction wi th our Se rvice or advertisement.Collected: Yes.
Category G: Ge
olocation data.Examples: Ap
proximate ph ysical location.Collected: No.
Category H: Se
nsory data.Examples: Au
dio, el ectronic, vi sual, th ermal, ol factory, or si milar information.Collected: No.
Category I: Pr
ofessional or em ployment-related information.Examples: Cu
rrent or pa st job hi story or pe rformance evaluations.Collected: No.
Category J: No
n-public ed ucation in formation (p er the Fa mily Ed ucational Ri ghts and Privacy Act (20 U. S.C. Se ction 12 32g, 34 C. F.R. Pa rt 99)).Examples in
clude ed ucation in formation pe rtaining to a st udent th at is ke pt by a sc hool or a th ird pa rty re presenting the sc hool, li ke gr ades, tr anscripts, cl ass ro sters, st udent ti metables, st udent ID nu mbers, st udent fi nancial de tails or st udent di sciplinary records.Collected: No.
Category K: In
ferences dr awn fr om ot her pe rsonal information.Examples: Pr
ofile re flecting a pe rson's pr eferences, ch aracteristics, ps ychological tr ends, pr edispositions, be havior, at titudes, in telligence, ab ilities, and aptitudes.Collected: No.
Under CC
PA, pe rsonal in formation do es not include:We ob
tain the ca tegories of pe rsonal in formation li sted ab ove fr om the fo llowing ca tegories of sources:We may use or di
sclose pe rsonal in formation We co llect for "b usiness pu rposes" or "c ommercial pu rposes" (as de fined un der the CC PA), wh ich may in clude the fo llowing examples:Kindly ke
ep in mi nd th at the in stances sh ared ea rlier ar e, for de monstration pu rposes. Do not en compass all po ssibilities. To de lve de eper in to how we ut ilize th is da ta pl ease co nsult the section ti tled "U tilization of Yo ur Pe rsonal Information."If we ch
oose to ga ther ty pes of da ta or ut ilize the pe rsonal in formation we 've ga thered for si gnificantly di fferent, un related or co nflicting re asons we wi ll re vise th is Privacy Policy.We may use or di
sclose and may ha ve us ed or di sclosed in the la st tw elve (1 2) mo nths the fo llowing ca tegories of pe rsonal in formation for bu siness or co mmercial purposes:Please no
te th at the ca tegories li sted ab ove are th ose de fined in the CC PA. Th is do es not me an th at all ex amples of th at ca tegory of pe rsonal in formation we re in fa ct di sclosed, but re flects our go od fa ith be lief to the be st of our knowledge th at so me of th at in formation fr om the ap plicable ca tegory may be and may ha ve be en disclosed.When We di
sclose pe rsonal in formation for a bu siness pu rpose or a co mmercial pu rpose, We en ter a co ntract th at de scribes the pu rpose and re quires the re cipient to bo th ke ep th at pe rsonal in formation co nfidential and not use it for any purpose ex cept pe rforming the contract.We may sh
are Yo ur pe rsonal in formation id entified in the ab ove ca tegories wi th the fo llowing ca tegories of th ird parties:The CC
PA pr ovides Ca lifornia re sidents wi th sp ecific ri ghts re garding th eir pe rsonal in formation. If You are a re sident of Ca lifornia, You ha ve the fo llowing rights:In or
der to ex ercise any of Yo ur ri ghts un der the CC PA, and if You are a Ca lifornia re sident, You can co ntact Us:By em
ail: -admin@gmail.comOnly Yo
u, or a pe rson re gistered wi th the Ca lifornia Se cretary of St ate th at You au thorize to act on Yo ur be half, may ma ke a ve rifiable re quest re lated to Yo ur pe rsonal information.Your re
quest to Us must:We ca
nnot re spond to Yo ur re quest or pr ovide You wi th the re quired in formation if we cannot:We wi
ll di sclose and de liver the re quired in formation fr ee of ch arge wi thin 45 da ys of re ceiving Yo ur ve rifiable re quest. The ti me pe riod to pr ovide the re quired in formation may be ex tended on ce by an ad ditional 45 da ys wh en reasonable necessary and wi th pr ior notice.Any di
sclosures We pr ovide wi ll on ly co ver the 12 -month pe riod pr eceding the ve rifiable re quest's receipt.For da
ta po rtability re quests, We wi ll se lect a fo rmat to pr ovide Yo ur pe rsonal in formation th at is re adily us eable and sh ould al low You to tr ansmit the in formation fr om one en tity to an other en tity wi thout hindrance.Under Ca
lifornia Ci vil Co de Se ction 17 98 (C alifornia's Sh ine the Li ght la w), Ca lifornia re sidents wi th an es tablished bu siness re lationship wi th us can re quest in formation on ce a ye ar ab out sh aring th eir Pe rsonal Da ta wi th th ird parties for the th ird pa rties' di rect ma rketing purposes.If yo
u'd li ke to re quest mo re in formation un der the Ca lifornia Sh ine the Li ght la w, and if You are a Ca lifornia re sident, You can co ntact Us us ing the co ntact in formation pr ovided below.California Bu
siness and Pr ofessions Co de section 22 581 al low Ca lifornia re sidents un der the age of 18 who are re gistered us ers of on line si tes, se rvices or ap plications to re quest and ob tain re moval of co ntent or in formation th ey have publicly posted.To re
quest re moval of su ch da ta, and if You are a Ca lifornia re sident, You can co ntact Us us ing the co ntact in formation pr ovided be low, and in clude the em ail ad dress as sociated wi th Yo ur account.Be aw
are th at Yo ur re quest do es not gu arantee co mplete or co mprehensive re moval of co ntent or in formation po sted on line and th at the law may not pe rmit or re quire re moval in ce rtain circumstances.Our Se
rvice may co ntain li nks to ot her we bsites th at are not op erated by Us. If You cl ick on a th ird pa rty li nk, You wi ll be di rected to th at th ird pa rty's si te. We st rongly ad vise You to re view the Privacy Po licy of ev ery si te You visit.We ha
ve no co ntrol ov er and as sume no re sponsibility for the co ntent, pr ivacy po licies or pr actices of any th ird pa rty si tes or services.We may up
date Our Privacy Po licy fr om ti me to ti me. We wi ll no tify You of any ch anges by po sting the new Privacy Po licy on th is page.We wi
ll let You kn ow via em ail an d/or a pr ominent no tice on Our Se rvice, pr ior to the ch ange be coming ef fective and up date the "L ast up dated" da te at the top of th is Privacy Policy.You are ad
vised to re view th is Privacy Po licy pe riodically for any ch anges. Ch anges to th is Privacy Po licy are ef fective wh en th ey are po sted on th is page.If you ha
ve any qu estions ab out th is Privacy Po licy, You can co ntact us:By em
ail: -admin@gmail.comWe use cookies on our si te to im prove yo ur br owsing ex perience, an alyze si te tr affic, and pe rsonalize co ntent. By cl icking on the "A ccept" bu tton, you ag ree to the use of all cookies.